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Frequently Asked Questions
Can we turn our gaming skills into real-life loot?
Yes, your account is recharged by loading USD onto your account that will be converted to EZ money, with this you can challenge other players and whatever you earn from being victorious over your opponent you can withdraw from your wallet back into actual money.
Is the game library about to level up?
The gaming adventure is far from over! We’ve got an arsenal of new games in the pipeline, and here’s the kicker – YOU have the power to shape our gaming future. Head over to the Games tab and
cast your vote for the next game that’ll grace our platform, or click here. Who knows, your all-time favorite might just be the next big thing. Get in on the action and cast your vote now!
What are the fees for challenging an opponent?
Ah, the nitty-gritty of our fee system, huh? We’ve got you covered! We charge a challenge fee for using our platform, and the good news is, these fees can be scaled down if you’re a GGEZ member. The extent of the reduction depends on your membership tier, which starts from noob to gaming god. To get the lowdown on the different membership tiers and how they affect the fees, just head over to the Membership tab.
What's cooking in the GGEZ upcoming feature department?
Our development team is hard at work in their dark rooms filled with glorious smells of pizza, farts and plastic being keyed away as they endlessly hit the keyboards to bring you our tournament function where players will be able to create their own tournaments, but more will be revealed about this in due time.
How secure are my funds?
As we value you almost as much as your moolah, we use only the best. As one of the largest online payment processors in the world, Stripe, you can be at ease that your funds are safe. You can more about their security here.
Is the only win condition for LOL to beat the other team?
For now, yes, but additional win conditions will be added over time to enhance your experience and give you a more unique challenge. As we roll out the new win conditions, you’ll be the first to know about it. Feel free to email us with any win condition suggestions to consider.
Do I need to send any screenshots etc. of the game result to prove who won the game?
No, you do not have to send us any screenshots as the results are generated automatically with the information it receives directly from the game. It is always a good idea to take a screenshot in the event of a result that is not shown correctly, so we can rectify it.
How long will it take for the EZ money to reflect in my wallet when recharging my account?
Usually within a few minutes, if not instantly
What is the turnaround time from withdrawal of my EZ to seeing the funds in my account?
Depending on which country you reside in, it can take up to 7 days.
How much is EZ money worth?
10 EZ money is worth 1 USD (United States Dollar) and that value will never change.
After subscribing, for how long is my membership valid?
Once you’ve subscribed and paid, your membership will run on a month-to-month basis and will automatically renew every month.
What is your membership cancellation policy?
You can cancel your membership anytime. Once you’ve decided that you’ve given up on being awesome and no longer want to be a member, your membership and its benefits will be valid up to the end of the month that you’ve cancelled.
Do little bears shit in woods? YES and yes, we believe this is the coolest most awesome thing to be brought into the gaming world thus far and we’ll continue to make it better as we grow. But we’re biased, so don’t take our word for it, go play and have fun.